During this experiential, arts-enriched training we explore the multi-tiered system of restorative practices ranging from relationship-building, and problem-solving circles, to the re-entry circle process.

"The trust comes much faster when everything is done in circle and that is because we see each other, we are accountable to one another, we can't hide from each other."

- Jamie Munkatchy

11th and 12th grade Chemistry

"Why Teach in Circle?"

Teachers respond to the positive impacts they have witnessed while teaching in a circle and how it improves relationships and allows more space for learning.



Up to 18 youth and two school staff participate in an 18-20 hour arts-integrated, experiential training focusing on character and mediation skill-building. Upon completion, students and staff become certified mediators based on nationally recognized standards established by the Association for Conflict Resolution.

Following training, newly certified mediators meet for 2 hours per week in their arts-based "Talk It Out” Campaign Club to continue developing their skills and promote and raise awareness for the Peer Mediation program. Projects include but are not limited to public service announcements, music videos, bulletin/poster boards, murals, t-shirt design, and more.

Play Video

"Peer Mediation"

Students describe Peer Mediation and showcase examples of how it can be successfully played out.



There is considerable evidence that arts based programming can not only build confidence and self-esteem, but also imagination, innovative thinking, cognitive skills, creative abilities, problem solving and active listening skills, tolerance and focus; all of which contribute to academic and positive social development in our young people.

DREAM! provides Arts programming for established community-based organizations, middle schools, and high schools. At DREAM! we believe that Arts based trainings will enhance our young people’s ability and desire to think out of the box, find their voice, become critical thinkers, and discover talents that can ultimately lead to amazing career opportunities. 

"Peace In Our Streets"

Last year’s cohort created a powerful mural, a book of poetry titled “I Am”, a video project showing a youth-led peer mediation session in action, and a community event in the park to encourage peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

"Making the Mural "

Student artists describe the process for creating their mural.


New Settlement Houses

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