Peer Mediation

Peer-Mediation Training

Our experiential and fun workshops help change the way people deal with conflict. Our trainings assist students and staff in their efforts to reduce the number of student suspensions, as they shift the culture of their school so students “talk it out” to resolve conflicts, rather than fight.


Peer Mediation, Talk It Out Campaign

Student-to-student “talk it out” promotions

Without effective promotion, a program can remain unused by the student body. Peer Mediation helps organize student leadership to create “talk it out” campaigns.  Student leaders create rap songs focused on conflict resolution, music videos, public service announcements, pledge cards, buttons, t-shirts, and more.  Student leaders facilitate all school assemblies in collaboration with 4 Wheel City.  4 Wheel City is rap duo in wheelchairs due to senseless gun violence.

Peer Mediation programs & promotion campaigns with:

Bronxdale Highschool
M.S. 217 Robert A. Van Wyck
MS 217 School of Performing Arts
Kurt Hahn High School
International Community High School
Morris High School Campus - MACS

Morris High School Campus – HS for Violin & Dance
Validus Preparatory High School
Frederick Douglass Academy lll
Esperanza Prep Academy
International Community High School
Bronx Academy of Letters


Conflict Resolution skills and Peer Mediation training with:

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Harlem Children’s Zone (TRUCE)
Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice
New Settlement Apartments Bronx Helpers
New Settlement Apartments Girls Club

Jonas Bronck Middle School
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
Mary Mitchell basketball team
South Bronx Job Corps
South Bronx HS


Virtual Learning Toolbox Link


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